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Romanian Index
Languages: Romanian, and English
Romanian Games
Mãdãlina Pavel
School 10 Focsani, Romania
The Perfumed Handkerchief

Either a boy or a girl puts the kerchief only behind a girl. The children are holding their hands in circle. One of the children takes handkerchief. The other children sing the song:

The perfumed handkerchief
It is put in front of a girl
The most beautiful girl
Whom I love.

The children with handkerchief runs around the circle, behind the children and drops it behind a girl. If this one notices it she takes the handkerchief and runs after the one who dropped it behind her. If she touches him/her the parts are exchanged: the one who is touched will take the kerchief and will run behind the circle while the children are singing again. The girl takes her place in the circle. The game goes on in this way.

Batista parfumatã

Un bãiat sau o fatã asazã o batistã numai în spatele unei fete. Copiii se tin de mânã într-un cerc. Unul dintre ei ia batista si aleargã în jurul cercului. Ceilalti copii cântã:

Batista parfumatã
Se-asazã la o fatã,
O fatã frumoasã
Pe care o iubesc.

La finalul cântecului cel ce aleargã pune batista în spatele unei fete. Dacã aceasta îl vede, ea va alerga dupã cel ce i-a asezat-o în spate. Dacã acesta va fi atins sau prins de fatã, rolurile se schimbã. Copiii reiau cântecul si jocul continuã.

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