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Romanian Index
Languages: Romanian, and English
Romanian Games
Mãdãlin Chiricutã 
School 10 Focsani, Romania

Boys and girls are involved in group. Everybody sit down in a circle one child putting his head on the other's knee. Another child, "the gardener" touches them with his hand, telling them:
Raw, ripe, raw, ripe,
Out, out, you are ripe!
The chosen child is out from the raw.
When there is only one child, the "gardener" says that he keeps him for seeds. The game starts again with another "gardener".


Grup de fete si bãieti. Toti se asazã jos, În cerc, unul în poala altuia. Un copil, "grãdinarul", îi atinge cu mâna, zicându-le:
Crud, copt, crud,
Iesi afarã cã esti copt!
Copilul desemnat iese din sir. Când rãmâne doar un singur copil, "grãdinarul" le spune tuturor cã pe acesta îl opreste drept sãmântã. Jocul se reia cu un alt grãdinar.

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