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Romanian Index
Languages: Romanian, and English
Romanian Games
Alexandru Grosu
School 10 Focsani, Romania
Little Birds

The children draw some different circles at a certain distance one from another. Then they enter them. The player from the middle selected by counting, shouts after a time:
"Every little bird
Should move in another nest!"
At this signal, the birdies must change their nests, and the player from the middle must occupy an empty place, too. The birdie that remains without a nest will occupy the place from the middle and the game will go on.


Copiii deseneazã niste cercuri diferite la o distantã oarecare unul de altul. Apoi intrã în ele. Jucãtorul din centru, desemnat prin numãrãtoare, strigã dupã un timp:
Toate pãsãrelele
Schimbã cuiburile!
La acest semnal pãsãrelele trebuie sã-si schimbe cuiburile, iar jucãtorul din centru sã ocupe si el un cuib liber. Pãsãrica rãmasã fãrã cuib ocupã locul din centru si jocul continuã.

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